Grand Edicts

The following are the original Grand Edicts approved by The Supreme Grand Master & The Sovereign Grand Commander: H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720°  for use in the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges as far back as 2004.  These edicts will aid the re-activated lodges of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Freemasons of The Original Egiptian Masonic Order. All brethren who are in possession of the “old” Grand Edicts and re-activated will recognize these points with the appropriate updates.


Grand Edict from The Sovereign Grand Commander: H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720° for and through The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge with its Grand East located in Decatur, GA and the 4 points of direction.

All Hail! All Hail! All Hail!
The Sovereign Grand Commander: H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720°
The Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges

Greetings my Brethren of the True Light. Let those that have an ear hear as we re-embark on this rough and rugged road to make good men better in Freemasonry.  It is the will and pleasure of the Sovereign Grand Commander H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) to affirm that Bro. Tshaka Malik Al-Kush is the Worshipful Master of Nuwaupian Lodge No. 3 in Savannah, Georgia and the Grand Master of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge over all the lodges and their works (worldwide).  The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge Of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc. of The Original Egiptian Masonic Order works under the divine guidance, obedience, and authority of The Supreme Grand Master: H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of  the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges. Nothing is of mine own self, for all power comes from On High and with the Authority of the Sovereign Grand Commander.  We are vessels and tools to be used to accomplish this Great and Sacred Work. The Worshipful Masters and Officers with the Cooperation of the Masonic Brotherhood (The Craft)  will endeavor to Duly Assemble, Organize, and Re-Establish their Domain or House in Strength as we each must become a Pillar.  Honorable Brothers, We must Act Now (Enactment as in E.A.) and Fulfill (Fullfillment as in F.C.) those solemn obligations taken of our own free will and accord to be found worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, as we were first prepared in our heart,  a secret chamber. My beloved Brethren of our own free will and accord, we all have taken our Masonic oaths and obligations, promised and vowed in the presence of God and Brother John who sits on the Throne.  Seek Brother John for only he has the Key.

What are our Instructions?

To learn and teach the truth and take good men and make them better by living by the 5 Principals of the Most Ancient and Secret and Sacred Order of Freemasonry.  Brethren,  as the Sun appears to Rise in the East and Rule the Day and the Moon to Govern the Night, so will the Worshipful Master Open each of the lodges on Blue, Build on Blue, and Close on Blue thereby Ruling and Governing with Equal Regularity.  Each Worshipful Master at all times will set the Craft to work and give them wholesome and proper instruction.  The Masonic Brotherhood in each jurisdiction of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge will stand to and abide by all laws, rules, regulations; maintain and support the constitution and edicts which ensure peace and harmony coming forth and through the Worshipful Masters of each jurisdiction and officers by way of the Supreme Will and Divine Right of The Sovereign Grand Commander H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º of the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges.

Regular Communications

Lodges shall establish their regularly communications each week, bi-weekly, or monthly.  The Brotherhood should congregate and be duly assembled 30 minutes before the stated regular communication.  Each Lodge will be opened in Ancient and Due at the exactly time established for their stated regular communication.  In open lodge only our Masonic symbols, seals, rings, pendants, pins, and tall Blue Masonic Tarbahs or short Black Masonic Fezzes (with gold Masonic tools/emblem) are to be worn.  The attire should not mix houses or schools of thought.  Dress neat with black dress slacks and white dress shirt, black bow tie, black suit jacket, black dress shoes and socks; come well groomed.  No jeans, no t-shirts, no timberland boots, etc.  The brethren should come prepared to work, transact, and expound on the Ancient Mysteries of the Order with black briefcase or grip in hand.  Dress Aprons (Blue and White) with white gloves under which is the secret seal or ring worn on left hand are a part of our Masonic attire.  Each Tyler will perform his duty to ensure that all brothers are properly clothed.

Nuwaubian Freemasonic Study Class

Throughout each jurisdiction in the various cities, the Brotherhood should congregate at the Miraat or All Eyes On Egipt Books-N-Things (United Nuwaupians Worldwide  All Eyes On Egipt) with the permission and coordination of the Store/Building owner or some secured enclosed building at least once a week (preferably Thursday for Masonic or Friday for Shriners in the evening) for Nuwaubian Freemasonic Study Class to learn and make suitable proficiency in the secret and sacred doctrine.  Participation should be logged and only brethren of the Craft will be in attendance and work under the sanction of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge, the legal Masonic authority of all lodges or jurisdictions.  Attendance and participation in Nuwaupian Freemasonic Study Class will be logged/recorded and submitted to The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge periodically upon request.

Tools and Studies

The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge Masonic Education and Curriculum is either particular or general and will be best understood by your regular attendance and study to include, but not be limited to the following:

  • The Universal Lessons of the Masonic Lodge, The Secret Degrees and Studies of Entered Apprentice (E.A.) and Fellow Craft (F.C.) at this time
  • Holy Bible King James Version, 1611 A.D.
  • Questions & Answers on Clandestine & Prince Hall
  • Duncan’s Ritual (Opening, Closing, Degree Work, and Proficiency)
  • Master Mason (M.M.)

The Universal Lessons of the Masonic Lodge (Secret Degrees and Studies) are a part of the 360º of Physical or Material State (Square) and 360º of Spiritual or Ethereal State (Circle/Compass) of Masonic Information.

General Supervision, Welfare and Workings

Each lodge will report monthly on the general welfare and workings of the Brotherhood. A database or roll of brothers is to be maintained for each lodge to include at minimum: name, address, telephone, email, resume, and inventory of Masonic regalia, tools, and dress needed per brother.  This will be reported immediately and updated periodically to the Grand Secretary of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  We will all be as one mass and move with quiet, dignity, and grace.  A committee chairperson (one who is responsible, capable, zealous, and worthy of the task) at this time referred to as an Overseer of the Work, will update the Craft by reporting in writing and/or at open lodge, the workings and welfare of the brothers in their city at regular communications of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  This committee will consist of three (3) persons for each lodge.  There can be more than one established.

Several standing committees in the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge such as Committee of Ritualistic Work, Foreign Correspondence, Charity, Library, and Transportation, etc will be formed to ensure that all aspects of growth and development in the lodges of each jurisdiction are properly researched, addressed and acted upon in accordance with the will and pleasure of  H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of  the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges.

Proposals, recommendations, or suggestions for the upliftment of the Great and Sacred   work will be submitted in writing and appointed to the proper committee(s) by the Worshipful Masters.  The committee(s) will research and report in writing, in reasonable time, their findings to the lodge per the Chairperson as prescribed by the Worshipful Masters.  Every brother will be active and accountable for his action or non-action in these working lodges in each jurisdiction.
The life of the honey bee is the life of the Masonic people called The Brotherhood, which includes women, known to us as the Sisterhood and/or The Order of Eastern Star which themselves fall under each jurisdiction where they reside, yet are independent of brothers rule and run their own Order without men present. Brothers are not to insult the sisters.  They are equal in all forms and forums and not subject to men, for man came from women not the other way around – Genesis 2:24.   The life of the bee represents a life of discipline, organization and order which is the lodge.  Each individual honeybee is important only when it is apart of a colony or community.  So, as it is with a Freemason, they are of no importance as I, an individual, but as WE, collectively.

Lodges working in one the four (4) points  of direction: North, South, East, West can consist of many lodges in their reign.  All lodges follow its instructions by way of the Grand Master of The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge presently located in Decatur, Georgia  which itself is the Grand East in which all other travel lodges follow.  Remember, at all times, that you are a bee “B” working in the great beehive of Freemasonry, building a better world.  We all work as one. I learn that the ME Becomes the WE inverted – Deuteronomy 1:44, Psalms 118:2, and Isaiah 7:18.

Question: Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Answer: Yes, in fact, in actions and in trust.  So you are your Brother’s Keeper and helper, protector, and friend at all times.  In any situation, you must aid and abet him with your very own life. It is your duty to show your fellow Masonic Brother the True Light.  Brethren! Lo! Look Well to the South where the Junior Warden Stands on the Plumb.  Look Well to the West where the Senior Warden Stands on the Level.  Look Well to the East where the Worshipful Master Stands on the Square.  Most of all dear and beloved brethren give all praise to The Most High and the one sent, our Supreme Most Worshipful Grand Master, The Sovereign Grand Commander H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720°.

Finally, my Family we must have Divine Love for each other.  So be diligent, prudent, temperate, and discrete.  Befriend and relieve every brother who shall need your assistance, particularly our own Sovereign Grand Commander as he has given us the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress!  There is Help for the Widow’s Son.  In the most friendly manner we are to remind our brethren of their errors, and if possible, aid him in a reformation.  Be Ye all of One Mind, live in Peace, and may the Ancient Ones dwell with you and bless you.

This manuscript was originally prepared by Nuwaupian Lodge No. 3, city of Savannah in the State of Georgia and humbly submitted in truth and sincerity for all Nuwaupian Masonic Lodges Worldwide beholding to The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc., the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Freemasons of The Original Egiptian Masonic Order of The Sovereign Grand Commander H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720°.


Grand Edict No. 2

All Hail! All Hail! All Hail!
All True Freemasonry has its Roots Planed in Ancient Egypt
From Whence It Grew.  The Land of the Negroids.
H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander
The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge and Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges

BOAZ (In him is Strength) & JACHIN (He Will Establish, Choice or Control)

In Strength Will This House Be Established…Nuwaubian Freemasons

Greetings my Brethren of the TRUE LIGHT.  Let us be of ONE MIND, BODY, and SOUL as we serveH.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  We are the Master Builders of Ancient Egypt (TAMA.RE) and Sumeria (SHU.MAR), known in ancient times as NUWAUPIA, home of the True Nubian, Nuwaupians. We are Rulers, Princes, and Nobles of the True Light who meet in the Secret Chamber and we are not Blinded by the Light if Ignorance and Belief.  Let us strive in the Sight of the Most High.  The Blue House of our Ancient Brotherhood is resurrecting North, South, East, and West by leave and authority of the Sovereign Grand Commander.  WE, the Officers Worldwide of this Most August and Sublime Order of Nuwaupian Free Masons accept, protect, and promote our Royal Art of Masonic Teachings through the steps of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason and hold as our foundation Mosesism, Christism, and Muhammadism with all due respect.  WE, as both Operative and Speculative Masons are a working and traveling lodge and recognize and Vow Allegiance to undertake the erection of this Masonic Worldwide Superstructure referred to from time immemorial as The Brotherhood, under the Divine Providence, Obedience, and Authority of H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.

Universal Protocol Established
(The Ancient Usages and Customs of the Craft)

The following is a brief outline (but not limited to) of the important Duties, Responsibilities, Principles, Prerogatives, and Powers of the various Stations and Places in the Lodge and as they may appropriately apply to the Grand and/or Subordinate Officers in the Territories, Provinces, and Jurisdictions beholding to The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge Of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc. of The Original Egiptian Masonic Order under the divine guidance, obedience, and authority of The Supreme Grand Master: H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of  the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges.


Worshipful Master – W.M.

Volumes have been written upon how a W.M. should preside and in what ways he can “Set the Craft to Work and Give them Wholesome and Proper Instruction.”  In short, all men are not blessed with the same powers and talents, therefore, all men are not equally qualified to govern.  He who wishes to teach must submit to learn just as Brother John, who is on the Throne at all times, has set at the knees of various teachers while traveling this rough and rugged road – Ephesians 1:20-22, 2:6, Hebrews 1:3, 1:13, and Revelations 3:21.

What, Brethren have you come hear to do?  Of your own free will and accord you have come here/hear To Learn to Subdue Your Passions (Outer or Lower Self) and Know and Improve Your Self (Inner Being, True Light) in Masonry.  This is accomplished by the W.M. and the Officers, while they keep within the Laws, Rules, Regulations, Edicts, Landmarks, Charges, Constitution, and By-Laws, as coming forth from The Sovereign Grand Commander and his Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  We must obligate our True Self to be Tools and Vessels of the Great Spirit of Eternal Creation (G.S.O.E.C.) and the Great/Grand Architect of The Universe (G.A.O.T.U.).  The power of the W.M. is that of a Messenger of The True Light with a great voice to be heard out of the Lodge, our Mind, our Books as given to us by the Sovereign Grand Commander.  The W.M. will use these blessings, gifts, and talents to fully measure the Lodge (Temple) – Revelation 11:12.  He will do his best to leave the Sovereign Grand Commander’s Lodge better that he found it by aiding and assisting in the Great and Sacred Work as all Brothers and Fellows have done before him.

The Master of a Lodge when addressed is given the title “Worshipful.”  The meaning “entitled to Honor and Respect on account of distinguished character or rank.”  Formerly used widely but now restricted to Justices of the Peace and Judges etc.  It is a title.  Religious intolerants try to make much out of the title “Worshipful” and go as far as to even argue, in vain, that Masons:

1. Are required to do the Master’s bidding in all things
2. Are worshipping a man
3. Are a part of some sort of click or cult where a “Worshipful Master” presides

It does not in any way mean “worshipped” but rather “full of worship.”  A true worshipper of truth and full of truth.

At the outset, let us be very clear, the term is one of respect for the seat or Eastern Chair in the Sovereign Grand Commander’s lodges and has nothing whatsoever to do with “worshipping” and individual.  Remember, it is not John Doe in the chair who is over ruled, it is THE MASTER or S.G.C.  It is a good Master who insists on all respects being paid the dignity of the office (Quiet, Dignity, and Grace).  Masons are required to obey the W.M. of a Lodge as much as, but no more than any member of any voluntary (we come and do of our own free will and accord) association or organization is required to obey the President of that organization; if he is properly and truly elected by the Lodge.  There is no more and nothing less involved; you vote him into that seat.  Just as you would not worship the president of the local homeowners group, neither would any Mason “worship” the person who is essentially the “president” of their Lodge.  Considered rationally, it is a total non-issue.  It is, however, one of the hooks religious intolerants will try in order to damage Freemasonry’s reputation.

Such charges are – simply – foolish.  As anyone who has served as Master of a Lodge can assert that you have only as much “power” as your personality can bring to bear.  When the S.G.C. appoints another Worshipful Master from the membership and the whole of the Lodge is in agreement, the former Master is – in effect – a “has been”, albeit an appreciated one! He did not get “worshipped” when he was in office and will not afterwards.

The W.M. has powers far greater that those of the President of a society or Chairman of a meeting of any kind.  By prerogatives of the W.M. are meant inherent rights and authority he possesses by reason of the seat or position he occupies, diving him, extraordinary powers and privileges, which belong to the presiding officer of few other associations.  The W.M. is appointed and only removed by the S.G.C. who himself will consult all free thinking and intelligent men in the Lodge are in good standing.  In all instances the decision of the W.M. on points of order, are Final in the Lodge and no appeal can be taken to the Lodge from the decision of the Worshipful.  The S.G.C. alone can over rule the W.M., D.D.G.M., D.G.M, and Grand Master’s decision on any point of order, unless its not in conformity with the laws of the said Lodge which should be found recorded and nothing new or unless it becomes apparent to all present that the W.M. has stepped out of the bounds of the Masonic Order or has lost his mind by deed, statement or actions, upon which he is carefully removed from the Throne and protected from himself.

The W.M. may never just congregate the Lodge when he pleases, and for what purpose he    wishes, but rather in accord with the set times of gathering as kept recorded at each Lodge unless for something important or emergent.  The W.M. has the right to preside over and control the Lodge as long as he stays himself in order.  Masons are not and never will be slave, servant, or subject or they forfeit the title Free.  Each Mason is a thinking man. The W.M. has the right to appoint those who will control Lodge business and work in his Lodge but their records are to be presented to the Nuwaubian Grand Lodge under whom they stand loyal.  Only the S.G.C. can suspend him from his labors and work, unless as mentioned before he as a man steps outside of the bounds of the laws of the Order set forth or recorded.  He can initiate and terminate debate at his pleasure if he is acting and speaking in his right mind, therefore, parliamentary procedures are basic and do not restrict the W.M.  He can open and close the Lodge at his pleasure, second any motion, propose a motion.  The W.M. is responsible also to the Grand Lodge Officers, D.D.G.M., D.G.M., G.M. and ultimately the S.G.C. The W.M. has the undoubted right to say who shall enter, and who must leave the Lodge room.  He may deny any visitor entrance, and indeed, he may deny a member the right to enter his own Lodge with good and sufficient reason upon which that member may present his case before the seats of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge as to the actions of the W.M.

A very important power of the W.M. is that of appointing committees.  The Lodge must agree with the appointment of the committee and the W.M. may not chose relatives or friends for that reason.  The Lodge may propose or pass a resolution that a committee be appointed, but the selection of that committee is an inherent right of the S.G.C. who is the Head of All Workings and Committees while the W.M. is, ex officio, a member of all committees he appoints.  The reason is obvious, the W.M. is responsible for the Conduct of the Lodge to the S.G.C. and the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge, because the Lodge appoints committees who act upon their recommendations, therefore the W.M. is in a position of great responsibilities, and no self-governing or power to tell them how to carry out their performance as long as they move in accordance with the laws of the Lodge.  He is responsible for the accuracy, fair-mindedness, speed, and intelligence of such work delegated to committees and investigations.  Only the W.M. can summons the Lodge under his jurisdiction.

The W.M. appoints officers with the vote of the Lodge as a whole and may not remove them at his pleasure but rather after a hearing for such removal.  The W.M. may not spend Lodge money without the consent of the Lodge.  The W.M. can not accept a petition or confer a degree without the consent of the Lodge.  It is for the Lodge, not the W.M., to say from what men it will receive an petition/application, upon what candidate’s degrees shall be conferred. The W.M. has the same power to reject with the white ball that is possessed by any member, but no power whatsoever to accept any candidate against the will of the Lodge.  The Lodge, not the W.M., must approve or disapprove the minutes of the preceding meeting.  A W.M. can not resign.  Vacancies occur in the East Chair through death, lost of mind, Parkinson’s Disease, feebleness, illness, instability as drunkenness, uncontrollable anger, fitness of body and dress, suspension, or expulsion from the Brotherhood.  The W.M. is responsible only to the District Deputy of the Grand Master, the Grand Master, and per the Grand Lodge directly from and by the S.G.C. For his acts, consequently, the W.M. has been given fully authority by leave of the S.G.C. within limits, to be ruler, measurer, the Squarer of his Lodge.  The S.G.C. upholds the W.M. and G.M. in the lawful exercise of authority and frown upon arbitrary rulings.  There shall exist a M.I.B., Masonic Investigation Bureau who can visit any Lodge at any time under cover to make reports as to all functions and actions of all offices to the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  This secret bureau is selected the S.G.C. known only by him.  They may be an active member in each Lodge. Brother Worshipful Master, Look Well To The East!


Senior Warden – S.W.

Many a passage and deep lessons, otherwise obscure, are made instantly clear through the gentle and relaxing art of meditation.  The Universal Lessons of the Masonic Lodge and Secret Degrees and Studies of the E.A., F.C., and “future” M.M. are to be seen as clothed with the deepest significance and lessons.  Hidden Truths Stand Revealed.  This is the Senior Warden.  His first duty is to assist the W.M.  He is responsible for the presence of Cowans/Kohens and Ease/Eaves-Droppers, should any be present, and this ceremony is performed under his Supervision.  It permits no Laxity whatsoever in the carrying out of his duty.  He will check the Brethren and report, allowing no foolishness and disrespect to come upon the Great and Sacred Work as set on the Grand Trestle Board of the S.G.C.  The important task of purging the Lodge (some times referred to as healing the Lodge) is delegated to the Watchful Care of the S.W., who assures the W.M. that all present are The Master’s Masons.  Never should the S.W. take anything for granted or assume that all present are Master Masons, for it is possible that Cowans/Kohens may be present.  At his installation and throughout the work, he hears the admonition from the W.M. “Look Well To The West, Bro. Senior Warden.”

Secondly, the S.W. seeks the promotion of Harmony, which is the Support of All Institutions, “especially this of ours, the Original Master Builders and Nuwaupian Freemasons of Ancient Egypt (TAMA-RE) and Sumeria (SHU-MAR).”  Lodges in which there is not Harmony is Un-Masonic and the behaviour of such brethren is Un-Masonic Conduct, which is a violation of their Obligations to the Order.  Lodges are usually weak because they fail to develop their latent Strength in the fact that “Bro. This or Bro. That” do not work well To-Gather, with each having his following.  How utterly ridiculous a Masonic Lodge must appear to the Non-Mason who hears reports (particularly the S.G.C.) of turbulence and disagreements at our regular communications and/or meetings.  The S.W. is a Pillar and Guards the Gateway by exemplifying pure thoughts, deeds, actions, and pure conscience. Harmony will manifest when the Brethren on the Lodge work with the S.W. and practice Forbearance, which includes the God-given traits of “Patience” and “Tact.”  The S.W. strives towards this, his duty and responsibility.  The Lodge will then function as a smooth, well-oiled machine to accomplish the Will of the S.G.C., with each part lending itself to the complete and harmonious movement of the whole.  This is moving and thinking as One Mass in the Blue House or Lodge of the S.G.C.

The S.W. pays the Brotherhood their wages.  The only pay a Committee can receive is The Master’s Wages of the S.G.C., the tones of “Well Done, thy Good and Faithful Son or Servant.” Work which merits Acknowledgement, Recognition, and Commendation will shine forth from the Craft and will be paid out and published by the S.W. through involvement with the Committee on Lodge Journal, Media, and Publications.  He is the Senior Warden and Overseer of this working committee.  Both the derivation and translations of the word Warden means “To Guard, To Watch, To Keep Ward, and To Observe.”  We are familiar with the S.W. as one of the Watchers.
The S.W. makes aware the S.G.C. and the world at large of the Great and Sacred Work of the worthy Craftsman through this organ and others.  The True Light shines in from the West for ALL to see the hard work of the Craft.  The S.W. causes the Craftsman to stand up and report to the Lodge what good workers they are.  The S.W. pays the Craft Thanks and sees that no brother goes away dissatisfied, if it is in his power to prevent.”

The W.M. fills all vacant offices by appointment. If the S.W. is absent, the J.W. does not, of inherent right, assume the West.  The W.M. sends him there or puts another brother or Past Master there at his will and pleasure.  If the W.M. is absent, the S.W. does by inherent power, occupy the East for that period.  The Junior Warden has these same inherent powers in the absence of the W.M. and the S.W.  In the absence of the W.M., by invitation of the S.W. and/or J.W., a Past Master (as a privilege and courtesy) can preside in the East.  The government of the Masonic Lodge is a Triad.  No other brethren in the Lodge have this power, privilege or responsibility.

The S.W. is a student and teacher who exemplifies the principles, lessons, laws, and teachings of the S.G.C. in our Most Ancient Brotherhood in and out of the Lodge.  He has learned to assist without taking the lead.  The S.W. is the second in Command and is to be considered as a future presiding Officer.  He is not one who merely stands in the West to rattle off bit of ritual.  The S.W. is the future Master of the Lodge…W.M., and must possess those qualities of mind and spirit that will make him deeply sensible of the seriousness of the task that some day may be his.  This is why you are in the West and he made a pilgrimage through the chairs of the Lodge—that you might be found worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, tried and proven, and “growing into” the East as Worshipful Master.  Brother Senior Warden, Look Well To The West!


Junior Warden – J.W.

The J.W. Oversees, or Wardens the Social Committee of the Lodge.  The J.W. has so much to do that he is given 2 Stewards to assist him and report to him.  There is no need for any other committee when these 3 Officers perform their function in its entirety.  The Refreshment to include in social affairs should remain wholesome and satisfying to Masonic Life and Family.  In  our ceremonies, the J.W. and S.W. lowers and raises their Pillars.  When the Lodge is closed to mix again with the world, or at refreshment at any time, the J.W.’s pillar is raised signifying that he has Supervision of the Craft by leave of the W.M.  He is the Pillar of Rectitude of Life so that we all may profit and find pleasure thereby.  He is the Beauty and Glory of the Day like Atun-RE and has aspects of the 5 Original Egiptian Pillars (Papyrus, Lotus, Zed, Tent, and Hathoric) of Ancient Nubia or Nuwaupia. The J.W. is third in Command and is to be considered as a future presiding Officer. The J.W can prefer charges on those guilty of Un-Masonic Conduct.  He Oversees the Research Committee in the matters of workings associated with the Masonic Order.  Brother J.W., Look Well To The South!


Senior Steward & Junior Steward – S.S. & J.S.

The Stewards Oversee the Sick & Shut-In, Widows, and Orphans of the Masonic Family.  The welfare and visitation of the convalescing Brothers and Elders is in their care, to strengthen the bond of Fraternal Assistance and Charity.  This is commonly called the Committee of Relief and Charity.  Every human being has a claim upon the kind office of the S.S. & J.S. as they are charged to do good to all. Charity and Relief begins at Home with our own, H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  Remember it more “especially to the Household (Blue) of the Faithful Brethren.”

Both S.S. and J.S. assist with the preparation of candidates, general procurement of the Lodge room furniture, transportation, storage, and maintenance of Masonic Banners and Implement of the Order.  The Stewards are a Jack-of-all-Trades and are vital to the operations of the Craft-At-Large.  They coordinate the logistics and planning as a traveling Lodge of working men as well as lodging.  The Stewards are the epitome of Master Builders who willingly serve the S.G.C. by their examples and utility of true caring and eagerness to aid and assist in all facets of Masonic interaction.  They exemplify the True Master’s Mason by their Industry as “Bees in the Hive of the Brotherhood.”  The Stewards stand in the South in front of the J.W., for there could be no beauty and Glory of the Day without the services of these two (2) Worthy Brethren.



The W.M.’s greatest asset is a competent and loyal Secretary.  He is to the left of the W.M. and helps to balance the wheel.  The Secretary is in touch with the past and has a compendium of knowledge about the Lodge and Freemasonry in general.  He is Overseer of the Lodge Library and works closely with the Committee on Masonic Research, History, and Lodge Archives.  He is also has excellent business and interpersonal skills.  The Secretary secures every piece of correspondence and the ordering of materials is on his dais to be passed to the W.M. as well as the Grand Secretary of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.

The Sacred Things are “Secreted” to this Trusty Fellow of the Craft.  He is a good listener and his penmanship and technical skills, which pertain to this Officer, are key for the True History and Proceedings to be transmitted to future generations.  He is the Secret Tah of Re, Scribe full of patience and dedicated to the services of each brother.  The Secretary is a fair man and can work with all levels of the Craft and the outside world, and co-ordinates bodies for the overall betterment of the Brotherhood.  He observes the will and pleasure of the W.M. and is always refining the processes of record keeping and reporting.  He secures all the Official Lodge Seals, Symbols, Certificates, Attendance/Rolls, Initiations, Activity Records, and Letterhead, etc.  He is prompt to regular communications and most of the time the last to leave.  The entire Brotherhood is beholding to this kind office and he is very familiar with the participation of each member and their welfare as it pertains to being on the Square.  The Secretary is a man of his word and receives all moneys due the Lodge and gives all monies over to the Treasurer and takes his receipt of the same.  A good Secretary will earn the esteem and applause of the Brethren for his dedication in the discharge of duty.



The Treasurer is an honest and trusty man of good repute and well recommended.  He is business minded like the Secretary and always prudent and thrifty to see the Lodge prosper.  He receives all monies from the Secretary and keeps a regular and just account of the same.  The Treasurer can only pay out monies by the order of the chosen committee and consent of the Lodge.  This fiscal Watcher at the right of the W.M. Oversees the Accounting Committee for all investments connected with the Lodge which first gets the approval of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge before anything is spent.  He is always looking ahead to the next project to make sure all funding is in place.  His Treasury Report will reflect his accounting skills and can be called for by the W.M. at anytime.  He is truly a treasure in the Lodge and will be investigated and called by the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge at any moment of time to account for his lodges spending etc.


Senior Deacon – S.D.

This is a Ghibbore and full of zeal and wisdom for the Institution Free Masonry.  The S.D. is in the front and at the right of the W.M.  The S.D. is the Senior Sergeant  of the Lodge and his emblem on his staff is a blazing star or sun.  His spirit of Hospitality Introduces, Welcomes and Clothes all in the lessons, books, teachings, sayings, doctrine, and our Masonic way of life, given to the Brotherhood by The Supreme Most Worshipful Grand Master, H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges of the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge.  The S.D. is an expert Workman with years if experience exemplifying the deep lessons taught in the three Masonic degrees.  The S.D. is always alive and ready to grow, regenerate, and does not try to stop change.  The S.D. is a Senior, Elder, and Ancient Son/Sun of the True Light, and has truly traveled the rough and rugged road of Freemasonry.  He has Mastered the so-called 3 degrees of Mosesism, Christism, and Muhammadism and all other ISMS.

The S.D. carries orders from the W.M. in the East to the S.W. in the West and elsewhere around the Lodge.  The Universal Lessons of the Masonic Lodge, Secret Degrees and Studies, will be received and conducted all around the Worldwide Lodge, The Earth.  The S.D. has a retentive memory for the Rituals of the Order and he meets on the ground floor of the Temple and imparts the work to newcomers, visitors, and candidates.  The S.D. Oversees and works with the Committee on Operations for the expansion of our Great and Sacred Work as “Teachers of Men.”  The Worshipful Master and the Wardens lean on a good S.D. as he dialogues with all the Officers in the Lodge during the conferring of degrees and the establishment of the Jurisdiction Worldwide.


Junior Deacon – J.D.

The J.D. is the reflection of the S.D. as his emblem is a moon on top of his staff or rod.  He is the aid of the S.W.  The J.D. follows orders well and only carries messages around the Lodge, the Earth, as well as attends alarms and reports the same, and ensures that the Lodge is duly tyled and secure.  Brethren are admitted only on order of the W.M. The J.D. informs the W.M. (messages) of the presence of visiting brethren or Grand Lodge Officers at the inner door of the Lodge.  He assists the S.D. with the preparatory work of the candidates and the spreading of the True and Original Masonic Teachings/Doctrine around the world.  He is a utility man and dedicated to hard work and is a young disciple of the Sovereign Grand Commander.


The Chaplain’s place is to the left and front of the W.M. on Holy Ground, which is symbolic of leadership and spirituality.  He has seen and endured many things in his travels with the S.G.C. and the brethren.  The Chaplain knows that if he is to build that which will endure, he must lean on the spiritual.  He is not seated on the sidelines, but is respected amongst the brethren in the Craft.  Even King SOL=OM=ON leaned on the ELDERS and placed at his side the HIGH PRIEST, in order that he, like the W.M., might have the benefit of Spiritual and Wise advice.  The Chaplain leads the affirmations and devotions in the Lodge.  His spirit and soul helps the Harmony in the Lodge.  If the Chaplain reads or recites, it is rendered from the Altar in the center of the room in front of the Sacred Volume of Law, and facing the East.



The Marshal’s duties require energy, activity, and quickness of perception.  The good order of the Lodge in its general assemblies and processions depends upon the care and skill of the Marshal.  The overall health and fitness of the Brotherhood is in the hands of the Marshal, to ensure that when the Craft is assembled for Work, we are fit for the task.  This Officer marshals the battle array.  His place in the Lodge is at the left of the S.W. in the West near the inner door.  He assists with the Committee of Investigation and is always protecting and serving the Craft.  The Marshal acts at the will and pleasure of the W.M. and escorts and leads the Grand Honors for the S.G.C. and/or cadence at all times.  The Marshal has the duty of keeping the Harmony in the Lodge and on occasion will be called on to escort violators of our royal Art out of the Lodge.  The Marshal also assists the Stewards with some of their duties and serves all edicts and summons from The W.M. and the Nuwaupian Grand Lodge, and S.G.C.



The Tyler is a Watcher at the outer door and guards against the approach of Cowans and Ease-Droppers.  With his S-Word he suffers none to pass or re-pass.  The Tyler is a faithful brother who will never leave his post and can handle himself in all situations.  He is worthy to carry the implement of his Office and is always in active discharge of his duty.  The Tyler suffers all through the heart that are without and seek admission into the Lodge.  The Tyler leads the Lodge in processions and works closely with the Deacons, Stewards, and Marshal to ensure proper decorum in and out of the Lodge room.  The Tyler has the first and constant care of Masons when duly assembled and convened under the Canopy of Heaven, “to tyle the Lodge.”  Sentinels are under his charge when appointed by the W.M.  He protects the W.M. all Nuwaupian Grand Lodge Officers, and most importantly H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720º, Sovereign Grand Commander.
This manuscript was originally prepared by Nuwaupian Lodge No. 3, city of Savannah in the State of Georgia and humbly submitted in truth and sincerity for all Nuwaupian Masonic Lodges Worldwide beholding to The Nuwaupian Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc., the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Freemasons of The Original Egiptian Masonic Order of The Sovereign Grand Commander H.E. Rev. Dr. Malachi Kobina York(e) 33º/720°.



Under The Auspices of The Sabaean Grand Lodge of Freemasonry Worldwide, Inc.