The Sovereign Grand Commander
Rev. Dr. Malachi Zodok Kobina York(e) 33°/720°

I have also traveled the rough, and rugged path of Freemasonry and have arrived as the Imperial Grand Potentate Internationally, Of The Ancient Arabic & Oriental Order Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine New Mecca Temple No. 11 Macon GA And I.G.P. Of A.E.O.N.M.S. Al Mahdi Temple No. 19 Eatonton, GA. Northern & Southern Jurisdiction, The Worshipful Master of Nuwaupian Lodge No. 3, Eatonton, GA A.F. & A.M. also a 33rd Degree Deputy Grand Master for the State Of Georgia, Northern & Southern Jurisdiction, A.F. & A.M. Scottish Rite Freemason of Amos Grand Lodge of Macon, GA.
I entered The Order Of The Acacia, under the Most Worshipful Master The ILL. Charles Tinsley, 33rd Degree at King Solomons Lodge No. 4 of Brooklyn, New York the Grand Enoch Lodge in Brooklyn N.Y. on Putnam and Nostrand Ave. Prince Hall Affiliated and of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry A.F. & A.M. Jurisdiction of Georgia called Zerubbabel Grand Chapter Royal Arch Mason, United States and Canada.
with the Mystics and the Monks under the Tibetan Master Lama Mott Kokomau of China, to the Grand Lodge in Cairo, Egypt, North East Africa; to being a member of the Rosicrucian Order since 1974 A.D. as well as Astara Mystic Order since 1975 A.D. for more than 25 years. As the Supreme Grand Hierophant, of the Ancient Egiptian Order, A.E.O Mir Pyramid No. 9, my family has been Freemasons for generations in Viginias Zen Shriner Temple No. 122, Newport News, Virginia and Daughters Of Isis, Zen Court No. 98, Prince Hall affiliated.
I stepped on the white Lodge Freemasonry from the Black Egiptian Mystery as Tehuti Thoth called Hermes Thrice Times Great, the possessor of The Masters Key, Keeper of The Secret word to become a Haru Horus, a companion of the great Hierophant: I-M-Hotep, the Scribe of the Secret Doctrine, Conferrer of the 720 Degrees in the Secret Number 9, and the guardian of the 9th Gate, raising from the Ninth Chamber the secret, which will give you the power to Re-Align yourselves. I was there, which is here, when the word, Let There Be Light was uttered.
I have stood the test of time. I have been questioned by Scholars, and Historians of all Religions and Denominations. I am capable of answering the unanswered and solving the problems of the world; Yet, my personal interest in each and every one of you.